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Photo Gifts

Your photo puzzle

Looking for a photo gift? How about a photo puzzle? Precisely die-cut cardboard pieces with a unique, high-resolution photo print of your choice offer fun for all ages. Create your custom photo puzzle and bring your favorite images to life in a unique way. 
  • 3 different sizes available (88 pieces, 300 pieces or 1000 pieces)
  • Precisely die-cut cardboard pieces
  • High resolution printing
  • The ideal gift for the whole family

Your photo mug

Make your mug a personal keepsake and print your favorite photo on it! Whether you choose a portrait, a landscape or a panoramic shot, personalized photo mugs are a perfect gift for any occasion. The photo mug can be printed on one side or all around.
  • Ceramic in bright white
  • Approx. 0.33 l capacity
  • Microwave and dishwasher safe

Photo puzzle - sizes and prices

88 pieces for 19,99€
300 pieces for 29,99€
1000 pieces for 39,99€

Photo mugs – 19,99€

FAQ Photo Gifts